Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Painting "with" Rose Datoc Dall.

What I've painted so far following Rose Datoc Dall's free online class.
I don't know if I ever told you this, but I LOVE Rose Datoc Dall's paintings. I've been following her work for some years now, and her art just speaks to my heart. In April of last year she taught a painting course at Southern Virginia University. She streamed two of the classes of the course live and free on YouTube. They are great classes and last about three hours each. So I decided that one day I was going to sit through the classes with brush in hand and paint along with her. Well... it only took me a year ;), but I finally sat down and painted along with her last night (thank you, Internet!). Here are the links to her classes, if you'd like to do the same (you may need to subscribe to the Southern Virginia University's YouTube channel in order to watch them... but they're free!)

No se si alguna vez les conte esto, pero ME ENCANTAN las pinturas de Rose Datoc Dall. He estado siguiendo su trabajo desde hace algunos años y su arte realmente me llena el alma! En abril del año pasado ella enseno un curso de pintura en la Universidad de Southern Virginia. Lo bueno es que filmaron dos de las clases del curso y las pusieron en YouTube en vivo y gratuitamente. Son clases muy buenas y duran como tres horas cada una. Entonces decidi que algun dia me sentaria con pincel en mano a mirarlas y a pintar con ella. Bueno... solo me llevo un año lograrlo ;), pero ayer finalmente me sente a pintar con ella por medio del internet. Aqui les pongo los links para sus clases, si les gustaria hacer lo mismo (puede que tengan que subscribirse al canal de YouTube de Southern Virginia University para mirarlas... pero son gratis!)

Here's the link to her figure painting class.

Here's the link to her figure drawing and pastel painting class.

So let me show you some pictures of my adventure!
Ahora les muestro algunas fotos de mi aventura!

 And so you know... I struggled quite a bit with the face! I kept wiping out areas with a paper towel and starting over again.

Y para que sepan... me re costo pintar la cara! Tuve que borrar ciertas partes con una toalla de papel y comenzar de nuevo varias veces.

And that's as far as I've gotten on it. She says she paints the eyes at the very end (and I'm grateful she does this, since I obviously need to fix a couple of things about those eyes!) I still have one more hour to go on the class. I LOVE how I can get back to it whenever I can (and it may be a while, although I really hope I can paint again soon!) This was PURE joy to me. Her painting technique is very direct and fast. She draws the figure with brown and gets to start with colors right away. Her style is not realistic, and she is very clear about that as she teaches and paints, but it's a beautiful and unique one. I loved following her explanations and choice of colors. It has open a ton of possibilities for me that I didn't know about before, especially when it comes to painting skin. Instead of mixing a bunch of colors beforehand, she uses a basic skin tone and adds on layers of color (wet on wet) as she goes.

Y hasta aqui llegue. Ella dice que pinta los ojos al final (y yo agradecida por esa tecnica ya que, obviamente, tengo mas de una cosita que arreglare a los ojos que pinte!) Me queda una hora mas de esta clase. Me ENCANTA el hecho de que puedo volver a retomarla cuando pueda (y puede que me lleve algun tiempito, aunque realmente espero poder pintar de nuevo pronto!) Esta clase realmente me dio PURO gozo. Su tecnica de pintura es bien directa y rapida. Dibuja la figura con marron y empieza a usar los colores ahi nomas. Su estilo no es realista, y ella es bien clara en cuanto a esto cuando ensena y pinta, pero es uno hermoso y unico. Disfrute mucho de escuchar sus explicaciones y sus decisiones en cuanto a los colores. Me ha abierto la mente a un monton de posibilidades que no conocia, especialmente en cuanto a pintar los tonos de la piel. En vez de mezclar un monton de tonos antes de pintar, ella usa un tono basico para toda la piel y agrega capas de color (mojado sobre mojado o "alla prima") mientras pinta. 

I hope this made you want to paint! ;) Have a wonderful rest of the week.

Espero que les haya dado ganas de pintar! ;) Que tengan un hermoso resto de la semana.


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