Saturday, June 7, 2014

Musical Paintings.

Hello everyone! I hope many of you are enjoying a relaxing night next to a bowl of ice cream. Those happen to be my circumstances tonight... and I'd be lying if I said it isn't awesome and that I'll only be having one bowl of it! Anyways, let's talk painting now.

Hola a todos! Espero que muchos de ustedes esten disfrutando de una linda noche con un bowl de helado en las manos. Por alguna razon magica, esas son mis circumstancias esta noche... y les miento si les digo que no estoy disfrutandolas y que solo voy a comer un bowl de helado! En fin, hablemos de las pinturas ahora.

I've been wanting to paint something for my dear friends Sonia and Mariana for some time now. We have been a very happy "trio" ever since our teens and have wonderful memories together. Every time I get to go to Argentina we get together and chat and laugh as if we were still thirteen years old, which is awesome. Sometimes I forget I have a sense of humor, and they always seem to bring it back in me!

He querido pintar algo para mis amigas Sonia y Mariana desde hace bastante. Somos un trio feliz desde nuestra adolescencia y tenemos recuerdos hermosos juntas. Cada vez que tengo la oportunidad de ir a Argentina nos reunimos y charlamos y nos reimos como si todavia tuvieramos trece anios, lo cual es maravilloso. A veces me olvido de que tengo un sentido del humor, y ellas tienen la capacidad de siempre traerlo a flote cuando estamos juntas.

After telling them I wanted to paint something, they sent me images of paintings they like. Both of them sent me paintings that have to do with music. Sonia's painting was done by Leonid Afremov. We're still trying to find the author of Mariana's painting (so I'll have to post it as anonymous for now). But if you know the name, please let me know!

Despues de ofrecerles que queria pintarles algo, me mandaron imagenes de pinturas que les gustan. Ambas me enviaron imagenes que tienen que ver con la musica. La pintura de Sonia fue creada por Leonid Afremov. Todavia estamos tratando de encontrar el nombre del pintor/ la pintora de la de Mariana. Asi que, por ahora me disculpo, la pongo como anonima (pero si alguno de ustedes sabe el nombre del autor, por favor diganmelo!). 

Here's Mariana's choice:
La pintura de Mariana:

Anonymous for now :)

Here's Sonia's choice:
La pintura de Sonia:

Painting by Lenoid Afremov.

Last night I finished Mariana's. Let me show you some progress:
Anoche termine la pintura de Mariana. Aca les muestro un poquito de progreso.

I'll get started with Sonia's now and see if I can paint a person who is so happily playing the cello! (talk about a challenge!). But I'm excited, I always learn something with each new painting.

Ahora comenzare la pintura de Sonia y veremos si puedo pintar a una persona que disfruta tanto de tocar el cello! (que desafio!). Pero estoy contenta, siempre aprendo algo con cada nueva pintura.

Good night! Buenas noches!



  1. You can always count on me to have a bowl of ice cream on the couch at night. :) You did a wonderful job, and my brother has art work very similar, that it may be the same artist so I'll try and remember to ask him if he knows who did it.

    1. Lorita! I know you have a special place in your heart for ice cream and chips and salsa. I think I should try the second option for a snack with my next post :)

  2. Cando!!! te quedo precioso!!!! haceme con pelo negro a la mia asi me viajo que soy yo! y no ligamos con los derechos de autor ja

    1. Gracias Chamiga! Si, te hago con el pelo negro! Hoy compre el lienzo para empezar a pintarte la tuya :)

  3. Leonid Afrémov
    Leonid Afrémov es un pintor bielorruso con nacionalidad israelí. Sus pinturas generalmente refieren a paisajes, escenas urbanas, flores, marinas y retratos coloreados vívidamente. lo saque del wikipedia!

  4. Well done!!! Can't wait to see the other one!

    1. Gracias, Bethany! :) Vamos a ver como sale la que sigue!

  5. Beautiful! And this is so true about friends from childhood: "Sometimes I forget I have a sense of humor, and they always seem to bring it back in me!" I feel like I get more and more serious the older I get, or the more kids I have, or the longer I'm married, or whatever the reason is. But then I get around my friends from my early teen years, and I am so silly!

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way! Poor Chris, I hope I'm not getting too boring with the years! :)
