Monday, May 15, 2017


Watercolor painting of some veggies, for my kitchen!

My kitchen needs a bit of color, so I decided to paint some vegetables that would bring that in. As I was painting them, I realized that I need to consume a wider variety of vegetables. Like, for example, I don't even remember when it was the last time that I ate anything with beet in it... or asparagus! So, may this painting be a reminder to add some of these vegetables to my grocery list!

Mi cocina necesita un poquito de color, asi que decidi pintar unas verduritas para que aportaran diversidad a la pared. Mientras las pintaba, me di cuenta de que yo deberia comer una variedad mas amplia de verduras. Por ejemplo, ni siquiera me acuerdo cuando fue la ultima vez que comi remolacha... o esparrago! Asi que, que esta pintura me sirva como recordatorio para agregar mas vegetales a mi lista del super!

Candela :)