Painting of Barrio La Boca (Argentina) done with oil bars, by me. |
Paining of a fall tree done with oil bars, by me. |
Painting of flowers in a vase done with oil bars, by me. |
Very different styles of paintings, but equally fun! |
My Christmas present!!! Solid oil paints... the stuff of dreams!
Hello everyone! Happy 2018! Hope your January is going well. It's frigid here in Wisconsin, but it has been sunny, and that always is a big plus. Really quick (before my kids need me again!), I got some serious goodness for Christmas: SOLID OIL PAINTS, say whaaaahh!?!?! I'm in love. I played with them a few nights ago and came up with three very different types of paintings. These solid paints are very thick and not very precise (like giant crayons), so I'd say they're great for larger surfaces and more challenging for small paintings like these. But overall, they definitely have a place for the artist who has very little time (like me!). They are very portable and practical and require very little set up or clean up. They dry within a day or two (a bit faster than regular paint). The painting of "El Barrio la Boca" and the one of the flowers were done exclusively with the oil bars. The painting of the fall tree was initially drawn in ink, then colored with watercolor pencils and then painted over with the oil bars for some textured details. I like how they all turned out! I'm VERY excited to be able to paint with oils again. Hope you give them a try!
Hola a todos! Feliz 2018! Espero que esten disfrutando del mes de enero. Aqui esta super frio en Wisconsin, pero hay sol, y eso ayuda mucho a sobrellevarlo :) Les cuento rapidito (antes de que mis ninitos me necesiten otra vez!), recibi un regalo maravilloso para Navidad: PINTURAS AL OLEO EN BARRA... son increiiiiiblesss!! Hace un par de noches me sente a probarlas y cree tres tipos de pinturas bien diferentes. Estas pinturas en barra son bastante gruesas y no muy precisas (como un crayon gigante), entonces les diria que son excelentes para superficias grandes y mas desafiantes para trabajar en pinturas pequenas como las que hice yo. Pero, mas alla de eso, definitivamente tienen un gran valor para los artistas con muy poquito tiempo (como yo!). Son portatiles y practicas y requieren muy poquita preparacion de materiales o limpieza posterior. Se secan en 24 a 48 horas (un poquito mas rapido que la pintura al oleo regular). La pintura del "Barrio La Boca" y la de las flores fueron creadas utilizando exclusivamente las pinturas al oleo en barra. La pintura del arbol de otono fue primero dibujada con tinta, despues pintada con lapices de acuarela y finalmente pintada con el oleo en barra para crear detalles y textura. Estoy feliz con los resultados! Y estoy MUY feliz de poder pintar con oleos otra vez. Espero que prueben las pinturas en barra si pueden!